So welcome to a new world of blogging. Jessup has gotten himself a blog. The world will never be the same ever again :) Don't really know what I'm going to do with this thing yet, but I do know that I am going to use it a lot when I can't sleep or just need to get something off of my chest or just for my random moments like one that's about to come at ya in...3...2...1... I never realized how well my typing skills had gotten until I typed the first part of this then realized that I didn't even need to look at the keyboard or the screen. It's amazing how well you can multitask when you've worked on it a while.
School has been going pretty well. I've got some pretty good classes with some awesome kids in them. The concert choir is going above and beyond all expectations. We have our first big concert for just them on October 21st and I'm not in the least worried about it yet. All I need for them to do is to sing out and to take a little more personal responsibility in their performance. To help them with this task we will be having a lot of singing test and moving people around. B-Nats has impressed me as well, we have a lot to do in a little amount of time to do it, but they'll be okay like normal.
Then there is the colorguard whom I am really impressed with this year. Their work ethic and attitude as not yet ceased to amaze me and I'm proud to say that I am proud of each one of them. I try to stay encouraging with them, but it's harder some days because they are doing so well that I tend to focus on the little teeny tiny details that need to be cleaned that I don't focus on the positive. I'm working on that, not only with them but in some other areas of my life as well.
Church has been going okay. We are dealing with some big changes, but God has got a plan and it's not about what we want, but what He wants.
I am in an awesome relationship with a great girl. We are both busy, but the best part of my day is when I get to see her and hold her hand.
Well this has turned out to be a very random blog update, but I have 27 years of stuff to catch up the entire world on so I may as well start somewhere :)